Celebrating Earth Day by Building Your Garden
Each year on April 22, people from around the world come together to celebrate Earth Day and voice their support for a healthy, sustainable and habitable future for our people and our planet.
The theme for Earth Day 2022 is “Invest In Our Planet”. So what can we do? How about building a garden? Whether you are just starting your garden or wanting to expand what you have, there’s a way you can start ~ PLANT A TREE!
Planting trees in your community will benefit the whole neighborhood since trees are so important to our environment. Trees are power houses working to absorb carbon in the atmosphere, improving water quality, reducing soil erosion and by providing wildlife habitats for creatures of all kinds by feeding them and giving them a place to breed…trees contribute to the health and well-being of our eco-system.
Just as there are countless ways trees benefit our environment, there are countless trees to choose from to anchor and create a focal point for your garden. If you see one that you like, let us know! We can help you create the garden of dreams and help with your investment in our planet!