Have you been thinking about warmer weather and beautiful blooming flowers with all of this back and forth North Carolina weather? The good news is that you can actually get a jump start on Spring by forcing branches to bloom in the comfort of your own home!
The Procedure
There are ornamental trees and shrubs that you an cut and bring inside. By now, the flowerbeds that were previously set have begun to swell. You can simply pick a branch that is loaded with buds to get a beautiful burst of color. Pick a day when the temperatures are above freezing and cut branches that are around 12 inches or longer. Once cut, bring inside and place in a vase with warm water. Change the water every several days and re-cut the stems. Now, sit back , relax and wait for your Spring show to begin!
These are a few trees and shrubs suitable for forcing:
- Flowering Cherries
- Red bud
- Tulip Magnolias
- Forsythia
- Witch Hazel
- Quince
We all know that the groundhog didn’t see his shadow this year, so let the Springtimes roll! Give us a call today at 919-844-3441 or fill out the contact form below.
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