We humans have an amazing ability to work the land, build things, sow seed and harvest crops. Because of this natural ability many people have opted to become “do it yourselfers”. Though this notion may seem beneficial economically, practically it can turn into quite the opposite. Don’t get burned by spring fever, it is hard to resist running out to the nearest garden center and buying plants, flowers and trees but once you get home what next?
The creative ideas that you formulated for your backyard looking out the window on a sunny afternoon will only be improved when you hire a professional to help you execute your ideas in the best/most cost effective manor possible.
Landscape Designers are skilled practitioners of fundamental design concepts with formal education emphasizing design strategy, functional relationships and the ability to create and manipulate usable space and propose construction methodology. The principles of design include the elements of unity, scale, balance, simplicity, variety, emphasis, and sequence as they apply to line, form, texture, and color. All of these mentioned elements are taken into consideration when creating the design plan. Once there is a clear analysis of the project site, it is possible to come up with conceptual design ideas to contemplate. Every site has multiple solutions, but when the background research has been done thoroughly, a professional landscape designer will be able to narrow down the options to a concept that answers the needs, wants and wishes of the land owner while addressing the ecosystem characteristics presented in the existing landscape.
When you hire a professional designer you also eliminate the vast possibility of experiencing unforeseen project pitfalls. Your ideas are wonderful, we don’t intend to make you feel like they are not but sometimes due to a lack of expertise costly pitfalls can occur. Invest into your idea on the front end, you will save money by hiring professionals and avoid the sunk cost of doing it yourself and encountering a problem you didn’t bargain for. Professionals have a comprehensive knowledge of plants, soil and ecology. Designers are aware of our natural environment and promote sustainable practices. All plants aren’t conducive to every environment, professionals make sure that you the right plants to grow to the right size for the right conditions of your garden.
Finally, don’t neglect the fact that hiring a professional designer gets you access to higher quality materials and resources. When you have your cookout this summer and the time arrives for you to show off your new deck, raised bed garden or stone walkway you will be reassured to know that the materials that went into your project are quality and quality always makes the difference. Professionals Designers have business relationships with the best nurseries, lumber yards and stone distributors to ensure that they get the best price for their materials. These relationships cut cost for the client and ensures that you get the best from your money. Research has found that landscaping can increase the value of your property by as much as 20% if done properly.
Call DesignScapes Of NC Today to make your Landscape Design dreams come true!
Cynthia says
Please come out and fix my place. We have awful vole damage!